Innocent comments that hurt

posted in: Canbace Life | 2

TRIGGER WARNING: The thoughts expresses in the videos about the innocent comments that hurt may be upsetting. If you are feeling vulnerable please watch which caution.

These videos were recorded just prior to WCW2017. They were part of my blog on the day when we explored four innocent comments that hurt. As these words spoken in these videos are so powerful I want to ensure that they don’t disappear over time. The people who recorded their thoughts were incredibly brave. They were expressing these thoughts out loud, often for the first time. It was certainly the first time any of us had done this on camera to be shared with the world.

I spent over 50 hours last year producing these videos. It was the most stressful yet rewarding work I did for WCW2017 and the impact that these videos had was amazing. On the WCW Facebook page alone they were viewed over 2,750 times.

This one of those videos


To watch the other videos please click here.

In future ALL blogs will be published on

Thank you for your patience as we migrate everything to the new website.

Be kind to yourself ….

In Canbace friendship


2 Responses

  1. Liz Campbell

    I think that the more awareness we raise about comments that hurt, the better equipped we will be to cope with those comments as well as to inform our family and friends (with children) how a simple question about childlessness or adoption can be like a kick in the guts. xxx

    • Nicci Fletcher

      I agree Liz. Talking about the innocent comments that hurt help raise awareness in two ways. Obviously it helps other people to appreciate our situation more and hopefully this will change attitudes and behaviours in the future. I also believe that it helps people within our communities too. BY sharing our thoughts and feelings about particular comments we are letting other people with the communities know that they are not alone. We may also be reassuring them that it is OK to think or feel that way. It may help them to process their own feelings, plan their response and give them the strength to speak out in the future. xxx

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