Adjusting the sails of a faded vision

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faded visionGrief has a terrible habit of turning bright visions into a faded vision. Way back in January I wrote a blog about the importance of having a shared vision. You can read about that here.

This is part two ….

We often think that it is only huge changes that need a clear vision. You know the ones: moving to a new house, changing jobs, taking up full-time studying again, or asking your husband to leave the army because you struggle with the idea of him getting shot at.

You’d be right, they do need a clear vision, and a joint vision if you have a significant other who will be affected by the changes.

However, little changes also benefit from a clear vision.

Basically, having a vision in life helps.

Visions stop us from being like a rudderless boat. It is easier to navigate life if we have a clear idea of where we want to be.

The clearer our vision for what it is we want the easier it is to remain motivated. This is especially true when the changes we are implementing meet resistance from others.

It’s also true when the universe throws a spanner in the works. When our grief turns that once bright vision into a faded vision.

To read the complete blog

Please click here.

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Be kind to yourself ….

In Canbace friendship

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