Reflections on birthdays past, present and future

Another year, another birthday. Some people struggle with birthdays, especially as they get older, because of the implications regarding having, or not having, children. So here is some reflection on Birthdays as part of my reflections on the past year. This is a new experience for me as I it is something I haven’t done in the past. I reserve judgement on whether it becomes an annual occurrence in the future.

Childhood birthdays

I have a possibly strange view on birthdays as I have never really done them after the age of 10.

Let me put that in context. I went to boarding school when I was 10. My late November birthday always fell during term time. So every birthday was just another day; no cake, no presents, just a card from my parents. Although obviously there were presents waiting at home when we broke up for Christmas.

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Be kind to yourself ….

In Canbace friendship


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