No plan survives first contact with technology

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No plan survives first contact with technology seems to be becoming truer as technology gets “better”. Have you noticed that the OS upgrades now only seem to last days. They then have to repair the upgrades that cause more issues than the ones they were supposed to correct in the first place!

A good rant coming on

Technology seems to be getting “smarter” but less intelligent as time goes on.

Predictive text used to give you options for you to choose from. Now if you don’t choose what you’ve already written it puts in what it thinks should be even if it doesn’t make any sense. Unfortunately, there isn’t an official Fronglaise language which would help with putting a shopping list on the phone. We have got the normal things we buy inserted into the dictionary, but sometimes we still look at the list and think “what was it we wanted?” as there is no correlation.

Technology is supposed to make life quicker and easier but a lot of the time it makes it slower and more difficult.

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Be kind to yourself ….

In CANBACE friendship!

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