Time snakes energy snakes and finding the ladder

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Time is a fickle friend. In the past I have been so bored and depressed that time drags on slowly, each day seeming like a month and each hour feeling like a week. A lack of purpose and chronic lack of enthusiasm, energy and motivation make time stand still.

The opposite is now true. My purpose and enthusiasm are so great that each hour passes in the blink of an eye.

“Time is what we want most, but …. what we use worst.”
William Penn

So many thoughts are buzzing around there are not enough hours in the day to plan properly let alone do any of the actual work.

My life is riddled with time snakes. When I manage to get them under control the energy snakes put in an appearance.

Confused about my reference to snakes? You can read about snakes here.

“You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it.”
Charles Buxton

There are ideas of how to improve your time management here.

Time to change hats

For a moment I need to stop being a writer. I need to stop thinking about the next issue of the magazine. Plans for the book, the on-line community and CANBACE Day need to be put aside.



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In future ALL blogs will be published on www.canbacelife.com

Thank you for your patience as we migrate everything to the new website.

Be kind to yourself ….

In Canbace friendship

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