New(s) and reviews 3rd July 2018

posted in: NEW(s) and reviews | 2

When I first decided that my weekly “new” topic for the blog would be a creative cheat and be about “new(s) and reviews” I did wonder if I was making a rod for my own back. Would there be enough to write about every week? Well I shouldn’t have worried. Apparently “new(s) and reviews” is a little like London Buses: there isn’t one for ages or they come along in three’s! They are also subject to the basic Law of Attraction principle of “focus on what you want” and the universe will provide.

New(s) and reviewsLet me explain. Two weeks ago, I recorded some short videos about CANBACE and another initiative that I will be launching in a couple of weeks’ time. In one of the videos I was talking about independent film makers and what an important role they can have in helping to raise awareness in the wider world. Later that day I went onto Twitter for the first time in ages: my social media presence had been non-existent for several weeks. Anyway, when I opened Twitter I had numerous “notifications” about Tweets that had been flying around cyberspace in my absence. As I caught up with what had been going on I realised that the majority of Tweets that I have been tagged in were relating to a play which is going to be performed in during the #camdenfringe in August 2018. I was intrigued so investigated and discovered ….

New(s) and reviews #1 – “Terry & Jude”

Jude is desperate for a child, Terry is lost and looking for company. In a thought provoking, bittersweet, light comedy drama one of them decides to make the other an offer he can’t refuse! 

Written by Rod Silvers, in collaboration with James Petherick, ‘Terry and Jude’ tackles the rarely explored subject; childless men. From the older man’s perspective, it looks at the impact on their lives, their ex-partners and their futures. Making its debut at the 2018 Camden Fringe the story draws its inspiration from the Rod Silvers 2011 short film ‘England Expects’ (This film is SO cleverly written that I had to share it with you here too – see below)

“We wanted to produce a play that will encourage a dialogue. There are thousands of men that want, but for various reasons can’t have children. We both know through personal experience how difficult this can be and the consequences of it. Terry and Jude gives a voice to those men”. Rod Silvers

For more information please visit the Terry & Jude Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @Terry_and_Jude

New(s) and reviews #2 – “Hooks”

“Hooks” is a short animated film that David and Louise Harris produced several years ago to be part of the showcase of work for the Bradford University Film Department. The film was inspired by the poem by Chris Tutton about the spaces left in your life by the loss of people who are important to you.


Credit to David Harris and Louise Harris.

Music written and performed by Louise Harris.


New(s) and reviews #3 – “The Story of Penny”

New(s) and reviewsFinally, yet by no means least, I received an email from Jody Day about a fund-raising campaign for a new film about childlessness. I followed the link, liked what I saw, donated a few dollars and thought ….. “wow that’s the third film related contact I’ve made in two weeks.” I hope that I will be able to interview Victoria Prescot for the magazine in the future as I would love to learn more about how the concept of “The Story of Penny” developed. In the meantime, I have offered some writing mentorship with me to the awesome list of fund-raising incentives. Details of which I hope will be added to the campaign page in the near future.

However, enough of me. You’re wanting to find out more about the film so this is how Victoria described “The Story of Penny” ….

“Lullabies and baby showers, knitting blankets and wrangling preschoolers. It’s what she does, and all these things fill Penny with immeasurable joy, but they are not equal to a baby of her own. This is Penny’s story. Her story however, was informed by my own”

Victoria goes on to explain that ” Life doesn’t always go according to plan. Infertility is on the rise and being “childless not by choice” is a real thing. An immensely heart-breaking, disbelieving and emotional thing that affects both women and men. The story of ‘Penny’ offers an unapologetic and honest perspective about what it feels like to struggle with issues of infertility and how a person can keep going when all they ever wanted was to have a child. It aims to bring awareness and support to those on the same or a similar journey.”

To find out more about “The Story of Penny” and to support the fund-raising campaign please visit the fund-raising page.

If you would like your event/initiative to be featured in my “New(s) and reviews” slot please email me: canbacing[at]canbace[dot]com

In CANBACE friendship


If anything I have written resonates I’d love to hear from you in the comments. I appreciate that this can be a difficult subject to speak openly about so if you don’t want me to publish your comment on the website please let me know and I will keep your words private.


2 Responses

  1. Louise Harris

    We loved “England Expects”. We kept talking about it for days afterwards. So glad to see it is going to get a wider audience. And fingers crossed for “Penny”. I’ve pledged my contribution. x

    • Nicci Fletcher

      Thank you Louise (typed very carefully this time!) Every time I think about “England Expects” I am in awe about how cleverly it was written. Such humour and such a light touch about a very difficult subject. Thank you also for supporting “Penny”. I feel very privileged that I am going to get the chance to interview Rod and James about “Terry & Jude” and Victoria Prescott “Penny” for a future issue of the magazine. I’ve got a feeling both interviews are going to be extremely interesting!. x

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