Creating a Canbace Buzz with a bucket load of ideas

For a while now, I’ve been writing about Canbace and what a difference it has made to my life. Then there have been my beautiful perspectives and “existence can be …” series of blogs. I’ve been sharing these insights hoping that they help other people.

There are a few people around the world who are starting to embrace Canbace. They are finding it a great benefit as they strive for healing, balance and acceptance in their lives. Which is BRILLIANT …

CanbaceYET …

Canbace has so much more potential that this. It’s time to pull on my big girl’s pants and really make this happen.

Luckily, I am not alone in my quest … Brandi Lytle, of Not So Mommy … is along for the ride too.

The Canbace Buzz Bounce

We’ve been bouncing ideas around for the last two months.

The inspiration and creativity have been rather overwhelming. Brandi and I have come up with a bucket load of ideas for creating a Canbace buzz. These ideas were put on hold for a little while as we concentrated on writing blogs to be published during WCW. Then everything needed to slow down again as Brandi had to deal with the shock and grief caused by a double bereavement.

I’m pleased to tell you that, whilst she still months of grieving ahead, Brandi feels that she is able to start moving forward with Canbace again. I suspect she hopes that having something so positive to focus on will help her through the coming months. I hope this proves to be the case.

What’s the next step we’re taking?

We decided that we need to do more than simply write about Canbace. There is so much to share about what is planned for the coming months that it couldn’t all be shared in blogs.

Instead we’ve decided to co-host a webinar. “An Introduction to Canbace” will be taking place on 18th October 2018 at 7pm (London). Click here to register.


Brandi and I will be explaining some of the back story about how Canbace was created. As well as sharing our thoughts on the need for a new word, we’ll be sharing why we thought we needed an awareness ribbon and an awareness day too.

Plus, we’ve got that bucket load of ideas about how to raise awareness about Canbace itself and how to encourage people to start Canbacing.

Be kind to yourself …

In CANBACE friendship!


If anything I have written resonates I’d love to hear from you in the comments. I appreciate that this can be a difficult subject to speak openly about. If you don’t want me to publish your comment on the website, please let me know. I will keep your words private.

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