November #CanbaceChallenge gets very creative

Being creative. What does that mean? Is the definition the same for everyone? Are some forms of creativity more creative than others. With all of my writing you would have thought I would be very confident in my creative abilities. So I expect it might surprise you to know that I sometimes struggle with the concept of creativity.

As creating is the first element of CANBACE perhaps this is something that I should explore.

In the film Pretty woman Edward Lewis explains to Vivian what he does for a living. Basically, he’s an asset striper: he buys struggling companies, strips them down into smaller components and then sells the individual bits for more than he bought the whole company. Vivian’s reaction to this is “so you don’t actually build anything.” Part of Edward’s transformation is that he wants to improve the next company he buys to protect it from other would-be asset strippers.

#1 Pretty Woman fan

I’ve loved Pretty Women from the moment I first watched it. At one time I could quote practically the whole film. As for Vivian’s confusion and Edward’s transformation I can completely relate. I write and yet I don’t feel that I create anything. Not in the way my sister does. She was a brilliant artist at school and has gone on to design and make silver jewellery. Her creations are tangible.

To read the rest of the blog on the new Canbace Life website please click here.

Sorry for any inconvenience and confusion.

Be kind to yourself …

In Canbace friendship


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