Endometriosis is NOT simply bad period pain

posted in: Canbace Life | 0

I am sorry for the late publishing of this blog about Endometriosis. I’ve spent most of the day thinking it was Monday and that I had another day to put this finishing touches before publishing.

Rather a shock to the system when I realised five minutes ago that it was approaching 6pm on Tuesday evening!

Anyway enough of my brain fog let’s get down to business.

I first wrote this blog just over a year ago and it was published on another website. It’s rather fitting that I republish it now as I celebrate my 51st birthday two days ago. You will appreciate the serendipity of this as you read more.

When I tell people that I have endometriosis they assume that I mean I have bad period pain.  They couldn’t be more wrong.  Yes, it can cause bad stomach cramping and heavy flow. However, it is far more than that.  It is a disease that wrecks the lives of 1 in 10 women around the world. That’s more than 178 million sufferers.

That’s a huge number. Yet awareness about what endometriosis is very limited. Non-suffers don’t realise how it effects our daily lives or how it effects our ability to have children.  It’s not common knowledge, even amongst doctors, that endometriosis can spread to the hips, lungs and even brain.

So, what is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is when the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) appears outside the womb.  These pockets of abnormal endometrial cells can attach themselves to other organs.  Places where it SHOULDN’T be.  When a woman with endo has her period, she doesn’t only bleed within her uterus.  She bleeds everywhere that the endometrial cells have migrated to.

To read the complete blog please click here.

In future ALL blogs will be published on www.canbacelife.com

Thank you for your patience as we migrate everything to the new website.

Be kind to yourself ….

In Canbace friendship



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