A little of what you fancy does you good

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fancyA little of what you fancy does you good, says it all really, but did you know the expression was first used in a music hall song in Victorian times with some innuendo.

So technically a little rumpy pumpy does you good. I can’t disagree as that it is not what this blog is about. To find out more about the phrase click here.

We use the expression now to say that it’s alright to enjoy the nice things in life but in moderation. Unfortunately, we now live in an age where a lot of what you fancy is the norm. Guess what, it doesn’t do you any good.

Because we can

“I generally avoid temptation unless I can’t resist it.”

 Mae West

We feel hard done by if we are unable to have what we fancy immediately. Be it the latest smart phone or Big Mac XL Meal. Why do we feel this and why do we “need” everything? Maybe I’m showing my age again, but my parents only bought me sweets once a week when I was small and I certainly “rebelled” when I had money of my own.

Just because we CAN doesn’t mean we SHOULD as it turns into a spiral of want.

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Be kind to yourself ….

In CANBACE friendship!

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