Even beach-bums-in-waiting need personal values

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valuesWhy am I writing about values?

Well we all know what our values are or at least think we do.

I had a value set drummed into me as a boy and during my time in the Army.

The question is are they still relevant now that I do not live and work in that environment any more?

Why are values important?

Personal values are at the essence of who we are as people. Part of the reason why we are all unique is that we each have a set of our own personal values. There are subtle nuances in how we interpret a value which means that although two people may share the same values, they will view them slightly differently.

Discovering your personal values is not simply about identifying what you are passionate about. It’s more than that. They are about what’s really important to you.

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Be kind to yourself ….

In CANBACE friendship!

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