Is an energy-booster bath an oxymoron?

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energy-boosterEnergy-booster and bath are two words that I don’t think sit together naturally.

For me showers are energy-boosting. Baths are for long soaks to wash away the stress of the day. They easy aching muscles. Heat you up when you feel cold to your core. They are also times when I think and plan. There is something about the warmth and the aroma of rosemary or lavender that stimulate my creativity. Some of my most exciting ideas have started in the bath.

And no, I don’t often have a bath at 3am which is when my other creative ideas happen!

So, when I recently read in a book about an energy-booster bath I thought I must give this a go.

My experiment may confirm my belief that energy-booster and bath are unnatural companions.

On the other-hand it might give me an insight into something that I have been missing out on all these years.

Afterall Creating A New, Beautiful And Courageous Existence must involve taking risks and trying something new occasionally.

The book explained that



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