Unbreak My Heart meets WritingDragons and Icebergs

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So, it’s just under a month ago that I announced I was going to finish writing “Unbreak My Heart” this year. A lot can happen in a month, or can it?

Time for an update on my progress so far.

If you are not familiar with the “Unbreak My Heart” you can read about my decision to finish writing the book here.

Writing Unbreak My Heart

This is progressing a little slower than expected as there’s not been much time to focus on writing over the last month. So perhaps that should be it has progressed AS expected due to lack of writing time.

There has been progress in the planning though. I’ve spent time with both Andrew and Tanya, of Editing To A T, working on the focus of each chapter and their sequence within the book. As a result, it’s starting to really take shape.

At the moment I am focusing on polishing and updating the chapters that I wrote two years ago. I’ve nearly finished going through the 16,000 words that I wrote then. The challenge has been to polish the writing while retaining the rawness of the emotions I felt when originally writing them. I’m revisiting areas where healing has taken place. This is good from my personal point of view yet I don’t what the book to lose its impact because I am making retrospective changes.

I think my biggest challenge is rewiring the brain into full writing-mode. On the days when I have been able to dedicate time to the book, I have made huge progress. I simply need to remember that spending time on “Unbreak My Heart” is a priority now rather than a “nice to have. Not sure if I should use the word “simply” though!

To read the complete blog

Please click here.

In future ALL blogs will be published on www.canbacelife.com

Thank you for your patience as we migrate everything to the new website.

Be kind to yourself ….

In Canbace friendship

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