Ageing without children part 1

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Ageing without childrenThis is the first in a series of short blogs dealing with the problems associated with ageing without children.

It’s a difficult topic to discuss however, it’s something that we shouldn’t bury our head in the sand about. Part of Creating A New, Beautiful And Courageous Existence MUST be thinking long and hard about our old age.

Ageing without children seems to be a major concern for the childless and has many areas that need looking into. However, I’m only going to look at a few in this blog series.

My views on this may be slightly controversial.

I believe that the majority of concerns about ageing without children are the same concerns that parents have too. I also think that some of these concerns can be easier for those of us without children than it is for parents. We know that we are going to have to plan for our old age. Appreciating that we will have to put all the arrangements in place, without the benefit/hindrance of children, could work to our advantage.

I did warn you I might be controversial.

To read the complete blog

Please click here.

In future ALL blogs will be published on

Thank you for your patience as we migrate everything to the new website.

Be kind to yourself ….

In CANBACE friendship!

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