Belated Happy Birthday to a Courageous Canbacer

Today’s Courageous Canbacer is again going to be slightly different. Although I’m not writing about an historical Canbacer I am writing about someone who will go down in history as one of the most influential CNBC women of our time. … Continued

AND now for some guilty pleasure

Regardless of where we are in our Canbace/childless journey we all need a guilty pleasure or five. They help us through the really bad wobbles and at other times are gentle reminders that we can enjoy the life that we … Continued

Beautiful perspectives about NOT writing a long blog

Although I’ve only written two of them so far, I’ve come to really enjoy thinking through my “beautiful perspectives”. The first one about looking at Independence Day as a celebration of beginning of a new chapter in the life of … Continued

NEW(s) and Reviews 17th July 2018

posted in: Uncategorized | 3

This week I have another two brilliant new initiatives to share with you in this week’s New(s) and Reviews: there is SO much going on in our community it is absolutely BUZZING with activity. New(s) and Reviews #1 Childless Not By … Continued

A musical step forward

posted in: A step at a time | 4

Many years ago (aka before infertility) Andrew and I used to frequently break into song at the drop of a hat. If we heard a tune that we both liked blaring over the PA system we’d join in. As neither … Continued

Creating a more beautiful environment

A very practical “Creating my new existence today” as I take a look at some of the ways Andrew and I have been creating a more beautiful environment for that existence. It seems that Canbacing can take place internally and … Continued

Existence can be hard when you step on the snakes

As I mentioned in a previous Existence can be hard post, progress isn’t linear. Many people describe the grief that surrounds infertility or being childless not by choice as a roller-coaster of emotions which is an accurate description. Yet it still … Continued

Courageous Canbacer Elizabeth I

Today’s Courageous Canbacer is Queen Elizabeth I. No, you don’t need your eyes testing and I haven’t totally lost the plot: well not quite yet. There a number of people lining up to share their Courageous Canbacer stories: however, they … Continued

And now for something completely different episode 2

In this episode of “And now for something completely different” I’m going to talk about my writing. No I haven’t lost the plot. I do realise that if you have known me for a while you have probably have realised by … Continued

Beautiful perspectives on being happy

I have to confess I‘m struggling with any beautiful perspectives today let alone the “beautiful perspectives on being happy” mentioned in the title. You seen I’m not very happy bunny today. In fact, I am feeling really rather stressed. The … Continued


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