Existence can be hard when you believe healing will NEVER happen

When you are in the midst of overwhelming despair and teetering on the brink of the abyss it seems impossible to believe that healing and acceptance is attainable. You KNOW deep down that you will never get over the devastation … Continued

Self-worth and the power of praise

I woke up this morning feeling a little vulnerable. There had been some unpleasantness in my life over the last few days so the sense of my own self-worth has been challenged. I was picking up on negative vibes that … Continued

The flamboyant flamingo of Canbace

Over the past few weeks I’ve been reconnecting with my “inner flamingo” and starting to understand the power of the Canbace. It is such a powerful affirmation and gives me so much hope that more and more people around the … Continued

Creating my happy mojo

In last Monday’s post I shared five ways that I was creating my new healthy mojo. Hopefully, a healthy mojo is also a happy mojo. However, if repairing the neglect my mojo experienced over the last ten years needs a … Continued

Building more healing momentum

In the last week “existence is hard” I looked at five ways to build momentum into your healing. Although I wrote over 1300 words that was so much I had missed out which was important, so this is “building healing … Continued


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