Existence is easier if you have laughter in your life part one

Let’s face it laughter is not something that comes easily when we’re struggling with our situation. If I think back to the years when I was feeling overwhelmed by my grief I’m thinking back to a time when I hardly … Continued

Rebuild your self-worth and be kind to yourself

Yesterday the focus was on We are worthy and how self-worth can be a huge struggle when infertility and being childless not by choice has destroyed our confidence. Today it’s the time for some proactive healing as we move forward … Continued

Struggling with self-worth

Struggling with your sense of self-worth sucks and is a frequently consequence of being childless not by choice. So it’s lovely to see all the #IAmMe photos that are popping up all over my Facebook news feed and on Twitter. … Continued

Poetry is like a bird it ignores all frontiers

POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: I do write briefly about my young god-daughter inspiring me to write some children’s poetry. There are no images in this blog as this is all about the written word! Poetry has always played an important part … Continued

Unlocking the healing power of emotional writing

Today is all about writing “letters from our hearts”, specifically letters to our unborn children. Whilst I have written my letter to Grace, I am not sharing it today. Instead I want to align this blog with my Ethos of … Continued

Existence can be hard when you think it’s impossible

In last week’s “Existence can be hard” blog I focused on “never” being a very long time. I explained how by believing that you will “never” heal or find acceptance you are preventing any tiny, unknown seeds of hope that … Continued

Beautiful perspectives about being human

My lovely friend Sue Johnston, The Infertility Advocate, commented on one of my earlier blogs about me being super human. With all the ideas I have floating around my head and all the tasks that I am juggling at the … Continued

Existence can be hard when you believe healing will NEVER happen

When you are in the midst of overwhelming despair and teetering on the brink of the abyss it seems impossible to believe that healing and acceptance is attainable. You KNOW deep down that you will never get over the devastation … Continued

Beautiful perspectives on creativity

I think it is fair to say that I am an extremely creative person. In fact, at the moment I am having trouble sleeping because my creativity has gone into overdrive. No matter what I do ideas keep popping into … Continued

Self-worth and the power of praise

I woke up this morning feeling a little vulnerable. There had been some unpleasantness in my life over the last few days so the sense of my own self-worth has been challenged. I was picking up on negative vibes that … Continued


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