A multitude of celebratory steps

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ICelebratory stepst’s hard to believe that I have already completed over a week in the Canbace Diaries. I think that might be a record for me writing diary entries consecutively. Keeping a diary has always appealed to me. Unfortunately, each time I have started my motivation has petered out after a few days. Until the writing as become hard wired it only takes one day of thinking “I’m too hot/tired/angry/sad/uncomfortable to write anything today” and before you realise it you’ve gone for a week without writing anything. That’s one of the reasons why I coincided the start of The Canbace Diaries with starting a “30 Day Blogging Challenge”. I knew that the accountability caused by taking part in a “formal” challenge would help me keep focused and get into the “writing habit. So, in honour of my momentous achievement, in this week’s “A step at a time” I’m going to take several celebratory steps.

I can hear you thinking …. What’s Nicci got planned?

Will it be a 1980’s dancing fest accompanied by a YouTube extravaganza of “golden oldies?” Excellent guess after all you do know how much I love my YouTube “research”. Unfortunate bad hip, bad knees, bad back and a poorly Cattier means that’s not my choice of celebratory step today, although I think it will be in the future.

Will it be some lovingly cooked Caribbean food provided by my Courageous Canbacer of a husband? Again no. We haven’t been to visit Mr Lidl this morning so we’re running a little low on the exotic ingredients required that authentic tropic experience.

What about a long soak in luxury bubbles in our “spa inspired” bathroom topped off by the finishing touches of candles and classical music? Not when it’s 30C plus (86F in “old money), bright sunlight and humidity approaching 50% and a poorly pup who needs to drape her head over my feet in order to be comfortable.

No, my celebratory steps of choice are a reflection on how far I have come in such a short space of time.

Celebratory stepsI’ve written and published 8 blogs which amounts to a little over 7,000 words (if I don’t count what Andrew wrote for his Courageous Canbacer feature). Normally I would consider that to be a huge amount: I can write a thousand words without blinking. However, during the same period I’ve also written more than 15,00 words for the next issue of the magazine so added together that’s the size of a small book. Considering over the last week we’ve had four thunderstorms that have cause power cuts and lack of Internet I’m very chuffed with my achievement. I have also discovered whilst I can read by candle light it’s much harder to type much by candle light especially when you only have 19 minutes of battery left!

My blog had been viewed over 250 times since I launched it nine days ago and the posts have been shared over 100 times not including the shares that I have done myself. For a brand-new blog about a word that world wasn’t aware of 10 days ago I think that’s pretty impressive. Not only that, Brandi Lytle, of Not So Mommy, has written a blog sharing more of her thoughts on Canbace [click here to read]. Cue more vigorous celebratory steps to form a virtual happy dance.

As for the actually blogs – what have been the highlights?

I’ve loved the comments that  Creating A New, Beautiful And Courageous Existence has received that the personal messages of support and encouragement that I have received behind the scenes. It is wonderful to see people reacting to Canbace in such a positive way and I can’t wait to see what happens when it REALLY starts to take off.

I’m thrilled that I managed to find a way to honour both my logical and creative sides as I embrace Creating My New Existence A Step At A Time and it’s comforting to know that I am not the only logical creative in the world!

I love the fact that the first New(s) And Reviews was all about brilliant awareness raising initiatives all involving film. I’m really pleased to let you know that “The Story of Penny” reached over 80% of their fund-raising target which means they get the funding. Thank yoy to everyone who supported the campaign.

I took a bit of a chance with my Beautiful Perspectives for Independence Day as I wasn’t too sure how it would be received, particularly by my friends across The Pond. However, I am pleased to say that the response has been positive, and it gives me hope that any of the slightly controversial perspectives that I will be sharing in the future will be also be well received.

Whilst it might not be the most profound blog that I’ve ever written And Now For Something Completely Different was certainly one of the most enjoyable to research. It was a lovely trip down memory lane and I’m looking forward to “research” more current comedy in the future.

I’m hoping that the weekly Courageous Canbacer will become a popular regular feature. I think it is important that we share our successes and celebrate them with other people. I’m looking forward to hearing how people’s lives have changed when they start to embrace their new Canbace life. I am sure these stories will inspire and give hope to people who are still struggling to find acceptance and peace of mind.

I don’t need to tell you that Existence Can Be Hard: we’ve all been there, done that and got multiple T-shirts to prove it. However, we are still standing and can be proud of that fact. We can grab hold of the knowledge that we have survived previous wobbles and be comforted by the knowledge that each wobble makes us a little stronger.

I think that the Small Changes Can Have Huge Impacts really resonated with people. We can end us feeling so overwhelmed by our need to change that we become convinced that only the biggest shifts will make a difference. It’s comforting to know that’s not always the case.

So, whilst I may not be celebrating in the fullest sense of the word I have been doing my celebratory steps with every word I have written today. As for the future? Well that full of so many exiting things on the horizon that I know there will be many more celebratory steps in the future, both of the virtual and physical kind!

In CANBACE friendship!


If you haven’t commented on any of the posts yet there is still time and I would love to hear from you. I appreciate that this can be a difficult subject to speak openly about so if you don’t want me to publish your comment on the website please let me know and I will keep your words private.


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