World Childless Week 2018 Update

Following the announcement of the daily themes for World Childless Week 2018 this week’s “New(s) and reviews” was a no-brainer. So, what have we got in store this year? World Childless Week – Monday Facts and Figures: I really enjoyed … Continued

A multitude of celebratory steps

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It’s hard to believe that I have already completed over a week in the Canbace Diaries. I think that might be a record for me writing diary entries consecutively. Keeping a diary has always appealed to me. Unfortunately, each time … Continued

Small changes can have huge impacts

One of the biggest impact that being childless not by choice has had on my life is that the fact that I for years I felt empty and colourless. My sparkle had disappeared, and my mojo fled to the far … Continued

Existence can be hard

Existence can be hard. Isn’t that the understatement of the century especially when you are attempting to accept the unacceptable? If healing was easy we would all have come to terms with our situation years ago. We would have listened … Continued

Courageous Canbacer Andrew Fletcher

Every Friday in “The Canbace Diaries” I will be sharing the experience of another Courageous Canbacer as they shift their perspective and embracing their new CANBACE life. Let’s celebrate our successes and share our stories: they may inspire and give … Continued

And Now For Something Completely Different

For any of you who are about my age and yet have been living on a  different planet for the last 35-ish years (and for those of a younger generation) I suspect I might to give “And now for something … Continued

Beautiful Perspectives for Independence Day

When I decided that Wednesday’s should be my “beautiful perspectives” day I really had no idea what I was going to write about. I vaguely thought that I could perhaps find some quotes and give my perspective on them. Alternatively, … Continued

New(s) and reviews 3rd July 2018

posted in: NEW(s) and reviews | 2

When I first decided that my weekly “new” topic for the blog would be a creative cheat and be about “new(s) and reviews” I did wonder if I was making a rod for my own back. Would there be enough … Continued

Creating my new existence, a step at a time

posted in: A step at a time | 2

I’ve been stuck in my “childLESS is C***” existence for so long that I know that turning my mindset around is going to be a long process taking a step at a time. Whilst you can make sudden huge strides … Continued

CANBACE solves my childFREE or childLESS dilemma

“I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it. I’m about to lose control and I think I like it!” These lyrics from the Pointer Sisters could have been written for me. I’ve been singing them over and over again for … Continued


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