Beautiful perspectives about August 2018

WOW what a month August has been. Two months into living my CanbaceLife and my healing and acceptance has gone stratospheric. I am sleeping better, I am feeling better (if you don’t count the on-going problem with my back/hip) and I am most definitely looking better.

I could still do with finding the “volume control” on my creativity: however, I would far rather have creative overload than be becalmed in the desolate world of no ideas. I’ve spent too many years wondering that lonely place for me ever to wish its return.

So, what have been the highlights?

Not as much to cover this time as I’m no longer blogging very day. I also stepped away from blogging for a few days at the beginning of the month due to desperately needed downtime and a blog-free mind following the full-on nature of July.

Creating a happy mojoCreating new beautiful existences

For the past few years I have joked that my mojo had fled to the far side of the moon. It was “MIA” perhaps never to be seen again. However, it wasn’t a joke. My sparkle had disappeared leaving me feeling colourless and empty. Canbace has completely turned that around with a little help from ideas on how to create a healthy mojo and a happy mojo.

Now that my mojo has reappeared, in its new persona as my inner flamingo, some music was needed to complete my transformation, so I created my CanbaceLife Soundtrack. To finish off August with an explosion of positivity Courageous Canbacer Brandi Lytle shared of thoughts on Living the CanbaceLife.

A round up of beautiful perspectives

Another complete month of beautiful perspectives. I am still stunned by how Canbace has supercharged my positivity. Even in the face some negativity from other people I remain positive and focused. Canbace has given me the strength to remain true to myself and continue to do everything I can to support people struggling with infertility and the effects of being childless not by choice.

This doesn’t mean I am suppressing negative emotions that I feel: simply that I am no longer controlled by them. Which means I can share my thoughts on how to raise awareness without alienating people. I can also see that the flamingo is the perfect emblem for Canbace. I can relish my creativity even though I can’t find the volume button and I can accept that I am only human after all.

Healing even though existence can be hard

Building more healing momentumIt hasn’t all been plain sailing though: remember that nastiness and negativity I mentioned. It’s been going on for months now and yet I have come so far in my healing that I am still at peace with the world. I can see it for what it is and strive to send healing and loving thoughts to people who are still so overwhelmed by their infertility/childlessness grief that it is eating away at their soul. It has helped me to remember that when you proactively look for ways to heal, that healing builds momentum.

I’ve also reconnected with my Life Coaching training and remembered the important link between self-worth and receiving praise. Finally, I’ve taken a long hard look at two words frequently used by people dealing with infertility and childlessness. I’ve come to realise that believing healing will never happen and focusing on the impossible nature of our situation makes it far harder to heal and find inner peace.

What has September got in store?

Firstly September sees the launch of the “Canbace Life” community here on the website. The community is for anyone who is starting to move forward and break free from the overwhelming grief caused by being childless not by choice. Think of it as a stepping stone. You don’t feel the need for all of the wonderful support that was so important in the past, yet you don’t quite feel ready to only belong to on-line communities that mainly contain parents. There is no charge to join the “Canbace Life” community. If you would like to make a donation instead all funds will be used to help cover the cost of Canbace Day initiatives around the world. The page will be “live” tomorrow.

Andrew and I have finished the seven blogs that we have written as part of World Childless Week. They will all be published in “The Canbace Diaries” to link into the daily themes of the week. If you have started to Canbace and seen a positive change in your outlook and mindset we would love you to share your CanbaceLife story during World Childless Week. It would be wonderful if we could share one Courageous Canbacer story a day as Canbace and World Childless Week both are important elements of moving forward. If you’d like to share your story please click here for more details.

It is my honour and my privilege to have been asked to host a webinar for “More To Life”. This will be on Tuesday 11th September at 7pm (UK). I will be talking about my personal story and how that led me to launch The Childless Not By Choice Magazine. This is the world’s first magazine specifically published to support the CNBC community. You can register for the More To Life webinar here

September also sees Sue Johnston, The Infertility Advocate, taking part in “Artprize” when she will be exhibiting her poem “1 in 8” as well as sharing photographs and audio recordings of people around the world who have been effected by infertility, are childless not by choice or are starting to embrace their CanbaceLife. You can read about all about Sue’s involvement in “ArtPrize” here and we wish her very success as she raises awareness in such a great way.

Life after World Childless Week

After the high of World Childless Week, you can come back down to reality with a bump. You’ve felt brilliant for a week as you’ve shared your story, connected with other people who are also CNBC and kicked the isolation into touch. Then what? The last day of WCW is all about moving forwards, yet how do you do that? To help you in this quest I am teaming up with Brandi Lytle, of Not So Mommy, for a live webinar about unlocking the power of Canbace.

We will demonstrate why Canbace is more than simply a word, telling you about some exciting things that we have planned for the future. There will be proactive healing techniques and ideas on how to get involved with Canbace. We’ll also be announcing the launch of a new Canbace course. You can register for “An Introduction to Canbace” here.

In CANBACE friendship!


If anything I have written resonates I’d love to hear from you in the comments. I appreciate that this can be a difficult subject to speak openly about so if you don’t want me to publish your comment on the website please let me know and I will keep your words private.

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